Sunday, 28 October 2012

Set In to Motion

Hey there, things are finally clicking into place, handed my first brief in last week got a good mark.  Feeling good that I got it done in time.  Pictures will be up soon.

I have started my new brief over the last week, I have to choose a location and soak it in as much as possible.  I figured I'd do the train seen as I'm on it for six hours a week.  The other day there I was taking loads of photo's of everything, including the fabric on the seats.  Going to take a good look at these pictures and see what ideas they may brew.  Tomorrow when I set out to college I am going to annotate every thought, feeling and emotion that cross's my mind.  Possibly with some thumbnail sketches and I am going to take more photo's, video and also record any sounds.
With this collection of information I can then look over it carefully, look for things I may of missed at the time and for any idea's that may come to mind. 

On the Train each person who steps on and off tells a story, these tales are intertwined on a temporary basis, through a journey of the collective on the train.  Majority of people keep their self to their selfs, in their bubble of communication through their phone or laptop.  Many people remain unsociable reading their electronic books or listening to their personal mp3 player's, Ipods, etc.  

The Passengers about the Anti Social express only become a unity on their journey on the train,, once they leave they embark on a journey completely separate.  Who knows where it may lead them, who they may be visiting.  Are they on their way to work or off on holiday... 

Has our society become a very closed minded and reclusive....? With Our technology we can talk to many people around the world at once but face to face we are no good.  No body trusts anyone yet online people spill out their life stories to complete strangers....

Intimately Ignorant.....

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