Sunday, 14 September 2014


Playing around with images

Board I find myself taking photos of myself as one does with their handheld devices these days in the land of selfy's and what not.  Anyhoo I found it boring to do just the same old thing so I thought try something different. 

Obviously the first pictures where fairly the norm before my Art head kicked in an said why not.... Take photos of my face extremely close up at awkward angles. Strange I guess but not so after playing around with this.So this is where I figured out how to play with my photo editor on my phone a bit better and create some ideas. Below you'll see a series of pictures I've played with and all the while I was thinking of how I can use it to disassociate the subject from what it is.... IE I could turn some of these into bodyscapes like the works of Allan Teger or John Poppleton. 

So here above you can see a bit that the face is now starting to look like it could be something else.

Here its been mirrored and looks like some sort of Alien creature. 

So just by changing the tone and playing with the mirror effects on my photo editor you can see that some ideas are born....  There are no limits to what can be done.

In this last image it is clear there is no connection with the human face.  To my mind as the Artist I am aware that it is a self portrait but the viewer has to make up their own mind of what it could be.  Which is totally my favourite thing to do. If you have seen any of my other post you will recognise that of course. But if not and this has drawn you in... Do keep checking this blog out for further development.